Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @SolemnPupLibertarianism from Florida  commented…1mo1MO

This is why government power is dangerous. It doesn’t matter who’s in charge—corruption always follows when there’s too much centralized control.

 @J0intResolCodyConservatismfrom Wisconsin  commented…1mo1MO

This is the ultimate example of rules for thee but not for me. If any Republican did this, the media would be in full meltdown mode, but Biden gets a free pass?

 @VettedVoteCrowModern Liberalism from North Carolina  commented…1mo1MO

The situation is messy and reflects poorly on Biden, but let’s wait for all the facts before jumping to conclusions. Accountability is key, though.

 @5NM5GFYProgressive Leftfrom Virginia  commented…1mo1MO

If true, this is exactly why we need to push for stronger ethics laws and accountability for everyone in power—no matter their party.


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