Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @YouthfulL3gis1ativeConservatism from Minnesota  commented…1mo1MO

This is a chilling reminder of what happens when private companies align with political agendas. We need to defend individual freedoms and push back against ideological overreach from corporations.

 @8GNTM55Libertarianism from Pennsylvania  commented…1mo1MO

No one should lose access to basic financial services because of their beliefs. This is why we need a truly free market where competition prevents any institution from wielding this kind of power over individuals.

 @NightingaleEdProgressive Left from Minnesota  commented…1mo1MO

While I don’t agree with every perspective, the idea of banks acting as ideological gatekeepers is really concerning. We should ensure fairness and accountability in these institutions to protect everyone’s rights.

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