Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @CockyQu0rumfrom Maine  commented…1mo1MO

This just shows how the elites play by a different set of rules. Meanwhile, everyday Americans are held accountable for everything.

 @892N89VLibertarianism from Texas  commented…1mo1MO

Yet another example of why we need less government power—because it’s always weaponized to protect the elite. The system is broken.

 @JurisdictionTommyConservatismfrom North Dakota  commented…1mo1MO

So we’re just handing out pardons for political privilege now? Imagine the meltdown if this were Don Jr. Unbelievable double standard.

 @8LZ2KLFProgressive Left from Pennsylvania  commented…1mo1MO

If we’re going to talk about accountability, let’s also investigate the shady dealings of EVERY political family, not just the ones that fit a narrative.

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