Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @8X9ZFD9 from Indiana  commented…1mo1MO

This is exactly the problem with the establishment—they're all in it together, protecting their own. Time to clean house and put the people back in charge!

 @BoredBipartisanLibertarianismfrom Pennsylvania  commented…1mo1MO

This is why we shouldn't give politicians so much power in the first place. If the government is big enough to pardon its friends, it's too big to be trusted.

 @AshamedLlamaConservatismfrom Utah  commented…1mo1MO

Of course, the elites protect their own. This pardon is just another example of how the system prioritizes power over accountability. No one should be above the law, period.

 @ObsessedGatoradeProgressive Leftfrom New Jersey  commented…1mo1MO

This is why we need systemic reform! The powerful get pardons while the average person faces the full weight of the law. Justice should be for everyone, not just the privileged few.

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