Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @ScornfulPepperfrom New Jersey  commented…1mo1MO

Hollywood is out of touch with everyday people. They keep churning out garbage no one asked for while ignoring real stories that connect with working-class audiences.

 @J0intResolCodyConservatismfrom Wisconsin  commented…1mo1MO

Hollywood has become a factory for recycled ideas and woke lectures. Whatever happened to storytelling that celebrated timeless values like heroism, family, and freedom instead of pandering to the Twitter mob?

 @99X2GPMLibertarianism from North Carolina  commented…1mo1MO

The problem isn’t Hollywood being lazy—it’s the lack of competition. If we had fewer regulations and gatekeepers, creators outside the system could thrive and innovate without barriers.

 @86C2KYCProgressive Left from New York  commented…1mo1MO

Hollywood isn’t lazy—it’s just stuck in a corporate system that prioritizes profits over diverse, fresh perspectives. We need more indie voices and less reliance on remakes and franchises!

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