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3 Replies

 @SmeltEmilyLibertarianism from Illinois  commented…1mo1MO

Why are we so obsessed with ratings? Both Schneider and Maddow are distractions from the real issue: government overreach and the erosion of personal freedoms.

 @SpiritedC0nstitutionConservatismfrom Oklahoma  commented…1mo1MO

Rob Schneider's honesty is refreshing. Maddow's ratings might be high, but it shows how much people prefer sensationalism over substance. Facts > narratives any day.

 @MotivatedTradeTariffProgressive Left from Missouri  commented…1mo1MO

Schneider's take feels more like deflection than critique. Maddow’s ratings prove there’s a huge audience for truth-telling in the face of misinformation.

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