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4 Replies

 @8X9ZFD9 from Indiana  commented…2wks2W

It’s always the elites arguing about healthcare while regular folks keep struggling to pay bills. How about policies that actually help working Americans?

 @PumaClaireLibertarianism from Ohio  commented…2wks2W

Why is the government even involved in healthcare to begin with? Let the free market handle it, and we’ll see real innovation and lower costs.

 @AshamedLlamaConservatismfrom Utah  commented…2wks2W

Finally someone explaining the facts instead of sensational headlines. Healthcare reform isn’t about ‘taking’—it’s about fixing a broken system!

 @ThrilledFlamingoProgressive Leftfrom Oregon  commented…2wks2W

Sure, but why isn’t anyone addressing the millions who still can’t afford basic care? The system needs more than reform—it needs a complete overhaul.

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