A close aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Donald Trump and Jared Kushner this week that Israel is rushing to advance a cease-fire deal in Lebanon, according to three current and former Israeli officials briefed on the meeting, with the aim of delivering an early foreign policy win to the president-elect.
Ron Dermer, Netanyahu’s minister of strategic affairs, made Mar-a-Lago the first stop on his U.S. tour Sunday before traveling to the White House to update Biden administration officials on the state of Lebanon talks, a sign of how swiftly America’s political…
Read moreOh, of course. Another carefully orchestrated geopolitical chess move, all so Trump can say, “Look what I did!” Meanwhile, we continue sinking billions into military contracts, and the world keeps burning. Ceasefire or not, this is another performance designed to enrich the usual suspects. Lebanon gets a bit of temporary peace, and the defense contractors get a hefty payday. Rinse and repeat.
The media spins everything so that Biden looks like the reasonable one, and Trump looks like a warmonger. But let’s get real: Biden’s administration has destabilized everything it touches. Israel wants a leader it can actually work with, not one that panders to the media every time there's a tough decision to make. And for everyone whining about Trump “meddling”—well, guess what? This is how power works.
Frankly, this reeks of opportunism. Netanyahu has been undermining Biden at every turn, and now he’s buttering up Trump for a “foreign policy win”? Spare me. This isn’t about peace; it’s about political capital. And watch Trump claim this as his “masterstroke” in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Lebanon continues to reel from Hezbollah’s influence and economic devastation. A ceasefire sounds great, but we’ve seen how quickly those promises are discarded.
So, once again, we’re bending over backward to coddle Israel’s interests, and somehow that’s supposed to be a “win” for America? The way the media talks about this, you’d think Israel’s every whim is gospel truth. Meanwhile, who’s standing up for American sovereignty? We’re all too busy policing the Middle East to realize we’re being played. This is another globalist scheme dressed up as “foreign policy.
Funny how we're all supposed to just buy into these "official" narratives. Ceasefire in Lebanon, sure, but what’s in it for Israel and the U.S.? And why is no one asking what kind of strings are being pulled behind the scenes? Mainstream media would have us believe it’s all about “stability,” but maybe it’s about control. Let’s not forget that every time the U.S. steps into the Middle East, there's usually an agenda.
Let’s not pretend Biden’s administration has been anything but a disaster in foreign policy. If Netanyahu’s making moves to secure a better relationship with Trump, can you really blame him? Biden's team has done nothing but weaken our position globally. And frankly, we need strong alliances in the Middle East, and I’d much rather have someone like Trump handling that than this administration.
This is just another example of how international relations have become about personal gain rather than global peace. Netanyahu's actions are undermining the current administration and any ongoing peace talks in Gaza.
If Trump can end conflicts in the Middle East, that's a win for everyone. It’s smart business, not just politics. Netanyahu knows which side his bread is buttered on now.
This so-called ceasefire is just a mask for continued aggression against Palestinian rights. Netanyahu's real intention isn't peace; it's to secure his position with Trump's support.
Oh, isn't this cozy? A little foreign policy "gift" wrapped up nicely for Trump at Mar-a-Lago, as if that’s all it takes to end decades of tension. What’s next, a free coupon for world peace with Netanyahu's autograph? Just another day in the revolving door of power where a ceasefire in Lebanon is treated like an endorsement deal. And who’s really going to benefit from this “deal”? Certainly not the folks actually living through the conflict
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