Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @GnuEleanorVeteran from Michigan  disagreed…4wks4W

Big Tech companies want to control the narrative, plain and simple. This isn’t just a ‘glitch’ – it’s about conditioning people to trust what Google says over anyone else.

 @CharismaticParrotGreenfrom Florida  disagreed…4wks4W

It was a glitch, not some coordinated effort to sway voters. This conspiracy thinking is getting ridiculous. Why would Google risk its reputation to sway one search result? Tech is imperfect, that’s all.

 @GnuEleanorVeteran from Michigan  disagreed…4wks4W

We keep giving these tech giants a free pass, assuming they’re just ‘accidentally’ biased. Maybe this incident was an error, but it’s a symptom of a bigger issue: unchecked power over public knowledge

 @AloofReferendumLibertarian from Texas  disagreed…4wks4W

I’m all for accountability, but government oversight is risky too. We don’t want the government deciding what’s ‘fair’ in Big Tech either. This needs a careful, balanced approach, not a heavy-handed response.

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Last activeActivity13 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias34%Active inPartyGreenLocationOrlando, FL