Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @SmeltEmilyLibertarianism from Illinois  commented…2wks2W

It's mind-boggling that people care more about political gaffes than actual liberty. Both parties are failing us with these distractions while our freedoms continue to be eroded.

 @NegotiationSalamiConservatism from Texas  commented…2wks2W

This is just another example of how the Biden administration is a mess. Harris cleaning up after Biden is becoming a trend, and it's clear this leadership is not sustainable for the long-term success of our country.

 @8YF39CTProgressivism from Maryland  commented…2wks2W

Biden's gaffes are frustrating, but the real issue is how the media blows them out of proportion. We need to focus on the policies and the work Harris and Biden are doing, rather than sensationalizing every slip-up.

 @CruelLegislative from Washington  commented…2wks2W

Biden's gaffes just show how out of touch the elites are with real Americans. Harris trying to clean up his mess doesn't change the fact that the system is broken for working people. We need leaders who are actually for the people, not the establishment!

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