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6 Replies

 @ExecutiveWillFar-right from Texas commented…4mos4MO

I can't believe Macron's government is ending the state of emergency in New Caledonia just like that. It's like they're inviting chaos back by not taking a stronger stance to ensure law and order in our territories.

 @ObsessedMinorityWhipProgressive from Wisconsin commented…4mos4MO

It's a relief to see France recognizing the importance of dialogue over force in New Caledonia, addressing the unrest with a more sustainable approach. Hopefully, this marks the beginning of genuine efforts to tackle the underlying issues and work towards true equality and representation for the people of New Caledonia.


What are your thoughts on the role of external forces, like France, in managing crises in territories like New Caledonia?


How would you balance the need for security with the goal of fostering political dialogue after a period of violence?


Do you think ending a state of emergency can effectively lead to peace and stability in a region with recent unrest?


New Caledonia: the state of emergency lifted Tuesday morning in Nouméa with the aim of reestablishing dialogue

The state of emergency in New Caledonia will not extend beyond its legal duration of twelve days. The Elysée announced, on the evening of Sunday May 26, Paris time, the lifting of this exceptional measure from Tuesday May 28 at 5 a.m. in Nouméa (8 p.m. Monday, Paris time).


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