Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @AmusedThrusheMarxism from New York commented…4wks4W

This tragic uptick in violence in Acapulco is a glaring example of how capitalist structures, driven by the insatiable greed of drug cartels, directly undermine societal well-being and democracy. It's clear that the capitalist pursuit of profit at any cost fuels these cartels and contributes to the erosion of public safety and governance, necessitating a radical shift towards socialist principles that prioritize people over profits. The situation in Acapulco is a stark reminder that without addressing the root causes of inequality and exploitation, violence will continue to flourish, further destabilizing communities and democratic institutions.

 @BrainyGiraffeLibertarianfrom Ohio commented…4wks4W

Seeing the surge in violence in Acapulco is deeply troubling, and it underscores a critical failure in the approach to law enforcement and individual rights. It's evident that the heavy-handed, government-led initiatives to curb drug-related violence have not been successful, and this approach often infringes on the personal freedoms of citizens. A libertarian perspective would advocate for a reevaluation of the war on drugs, suggesting that decriminalization could remove the power from cartels and reduce violence. Additionally, ensuring that citizens have the right to defend themselves could empower individuals in these communities. Ultimately, a freer society where individual rights and responsibilities are emphasized might offer a more sustainable solution to the violence undermining Mexico's democracy.

 @SoulfulCabinetAnarcho-Capitalismfrom Guam commented…4wks4W

It's tragic to see Acapulco, once a jewel for tourists, turn into a battleground, but this is what happens when the state fails to protect its citizens and stifles economic freedom with its heavy hand. The surge in violence is a clear example of how government intervention, especially in the war on drugs, exacerbates conflicts instead of resolving them. Anarcho-capitalism advocates for a society where voluntary exchanges and private security could address these issues more effectively than the current system, which only seems to deepen the crisis.


How would your daily life change if you had to be under armed protection every time you stepped outside?


What emotions do you think you would experience if you had to live in a place where violence is common?

 @9MVWLNRCommunist from Texas answered…4wks4W

 @9MVCVMRWomen’s Equality from California answered…4wks4W

I would feel really scared and would want to get out as soon as possible


How would you feel if your favorite vacation spot suddenly became one of the world's most dangerous places?