Try the political quiz

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Poverty in Lebanon tripled to 44%, as high as 62% in rural areas: World Bank…

In a recent report, the World Bank revealed a three-fold increase in poverty rates in Lebanon, which is hard hit by an economic crisis and financial meltdown, with nine out of every 10 Syrians displaced in the country living under the poverty line.


One out of three Lebanese poverty-stricken: World Bank…

A third of Lebanese people are living in poverty as a result of the unprecedented economic crisis which begun in late 2019, the World Bank has said.


If you were in a position to help someone from a poverty-stricken area, what would be the first step you'd take, and why?


Imagine living in a place where basic necessities are a luxury; how might that change your perspective on what's truly important in life?


How would you feel if your own financial stability was suddenly threatened by factors entirely out of your control?