Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @DuckAlexaGreenfrom Michigan commented…2wks2W

They see themselves as our betters. Why would they be subject to the laws the peasants are subject to?

 @HopefulRedistrictingConstitution from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

And the reason the Fbi gave them the carveout is, cause theyre compromised anyway and congress people won't dare hold them accountable

 @NeedfulFranchiseLibertarianfrom Texas commented…2wks2W

 @PolentaWillPatriot from Tennessee commented…2wks2W

One imagines members of the Outer Party writing similar letters to Pravda in 1933


If you were a member of Congress, would you vote for or against this provision, and why?


How would this kind of protection for Congress members affect your trust in government transparency and accountability?


Should government officials have more privacy rights than the people they represent?


Do you think it's fair for members of Congress to have protections from surveillance that ordinary people don't?


How would you feel if laws applied differently to government officials than to regular citizens?


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