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21 Replies

 @PopulistTaylorGreen from Indiana commented…4wks4W

Why does America not have voter ID requirements? Such a sketchy electoral system for the world superpower.

The EU is not like this.

 @TruthfulPantherDemocratfrom Minnesota commented…4wks4W

And Republicans don't? Imagine Republicans cheating and still losing. What a **** ing embarrassment of a party to identify with.

 @SelfishReferendumVeteran from North Carolina commented…4wks4W

There’s the problem:

Democrats win elections by cheating.

If this continues nothing will matter.

 @ShamefulChilePatriot from New York commented…4wks4W

 @PeskyPigletRepublican from Missouri commented…4wks4W

Democrats have to cheat to win elections

 @JubilantSalamiDemocrat from New York disagreed…4wks4W

It’s weird that republicans think that more people voting equals cheating

 @9L88VD3  from North Carolina commented…4wks4W

More people voting isn't the issue. It's the possibility of non-citizens voting that's the issue.


What are your thoughts on the impact that increased voter registration without IDs in key swing states might have on the outcome of future elections?

 @9L9D3ZT from Texas commented…4wks4W


How do you balance the importance of making voting accessible to everyone against the need to ensure the integrity of elections?

 @9L9HG8KRepublican from Minnesota commented…4wks4W

Voting is accessible to everyone that is willing to make the commitment to do so. But there does need to be better monitoring of mail in ballots.

  @JW-StamperConstitution  from Wisconsin commented…4wks4W

Voting integrity is of the utmost importance. We've wasted too much time arguing whether a President is legitimate, or not. We need voter ID, end ballot harvesting, end drop boxes, and anything else where cheating could be present, like not allowing judges to observe the count. There should also be cameras up to ensure no extra ballots enter counting areas.

 @9L9FFQF from Texas commented…4wks4W

Every vote matters is the slogan, so let's make it to where everyone CAN vote.

 @9L88VD3 from North Carolina commented…4wks4W

 @9L9CYS8 from Virginia commented…4wks4W

I believe that only U.S citizens should be aloud to vote, however certain voter fraud protection can harm disenfranchised groups of people, and can be used as a political resource.


Does the possibility of more people voting without photo IDs change your perception of the fairness and reliability of elections?

  @JW-StamperConstitution  from Wisconsin commented…4wks4W

Photo ID is easy to obtain for everyone. We should make sure people only vote once & they are legally able to vote.

 @9L9D5GF from Texas commented…4wks4W

When voting with no photo ID there is a risk of the election becoming unfair, voters could go back more than once, non citizens who don't pay taxes could go vote, etc.


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