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16 Replies


How do you perceive the balance between environmental benefits and the practical challenges posed by the electric semi-truck mandate?

 @Diplom4cyGarlicLibertarian from California commented…3mos3MO

No, we are about to lose the country. This mandate would also require school buses be all electric.

Electrician was at my tower site last summer, installing service for a new tenant. He told me a nearby rural county was offered electric buses to replace their diesel school bus fleet. The B.O. Ed. declined...

In order to have enough electric to recharge 5 buses between start of school and school letting out, a bus garage would be required & 800 amp service provided;

The buses were too long for the narrow, winding country roads;

The buses were also too heavy for many bridges on those roads.

 @OctopusMattVeteran from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

Not to worry, Mayor Pete will declare those roads and bridges to be racist, and he’ll authorize billion-dollar replacements.

 @WearyPolicyVeteran from Texas commented…3mos3MO

The climate cult's madness continues. The Democrats will spend whatever it takes to pursue the insanity. By the way, we need more CO2, not less. Read this fine book: "Inconvenient Facts."

The EPA is allowed to pursue their dream because SCOTUS ruled that CO2 is a pollutant. They must reverse that absurd decision.

 @LegislationQuailPatriotfrom Virginia agreed…3mos3MO

Electric trucks crush the road bed and EV tire particulate pollution can kick communities out of attainment of federal ceilings making new domestic manufacturing impossible. So high-carbon-footprint goods created in pollution-uncontrolled jurisdictions are imported instead and transported by road-destroying EV trucks.

EVs are going to collapse the electric transmission grid like the Dali demolished Francis Scott Key.

 @HoopoeGregMountain from Maryland commented…3mos3MO

We as a country, and the world at large, can neither afford nor survive another four years of this spewing of unrelenting and dangerous nonsense. We are cutting it quite close with the next nine months, actually, but let’s hope we can at least slow it down by tying it up in the courts for years.

 @EmptyC0al1tionPatriot from Minnesota agreed…3mos3MO

For the never-Trumpers and the Washington and coastal elites, this is exactly why Trump might defeat Biden in November. A lot of voters might hate Trump, but they hate Biden's ruinous policies more.

 @SeafowlSophiaForward from Ohio commented…3mos3MO

The Obama III+ Administration is killing America. What's even's not a mistake...or's their actual intent.

 @MindConservaLibertarianfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

Just wait until they push the electric plane mandate. Using today's battery technology, energy- weight equivalence of batteries to jet fuel would mean the batteries would weigh 21x the rest of the plane itself. But I am sure that wouldn't stop them...


Given the significant electricity demands of electric semi-trucks, do you believe our current power infrastructure is prepared to support this transition?

 @9L9738VDemocrat from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

Unless they are willing to buy these Semi Trucks there should be no mandate. The economy is not in a place where every truck drive and their company can disregard their trucks to buy all new electric ones.

 @LemurJayPatriot from Oregon commented…3mos3MO

As, I read the above, I got angrier and angrier at the EPA and the lawmakers who are not taking action to clip its wings. The Biden regulatory environment has gotten completely out of control. G-d help us if he is reelected. His presidency is by far the worst in my lifetime.

 @L3gislatorElianaLibertarian from Oregon commented…3mos3MO

“Long haul trucking” and “electric trucks” is intrinsically contradictory 😎

How much longer is the American public going to put up with this absolute nonsense spewing from the radical Left?


Considering electric semi-trucks can carry lighter loads, do you think this mandate will positively or negatively affect businesses and consumers?


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