Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @EuphoricTigerSocialist from Pennsylvania commented…4wks4W

Because these are case officers working under official cover from an embassy, both sides know who their counterparts are, it's not really a big secret.

What is a secret are agents these people recruit or officers working non officially (NOCs).

 @Pe0plesPartyMagpieDemocratfrom Maryland commented…4wks4W

Trump kept classified documents illegaly and leaked the identities of agents and diplomats around the world.

 @Grassr00tRodPeace and Freedom from Arizona commented…4wks4W

Everything is possible, but...He said that the best Defense Intelligence Agency officers working against Russia were "neutralized by Russia via traumatic brain injury".

But how does Russia know the identities of those officers when that is supposed to be a big secret?

 @MildCordialUnity from Ohio commented…4wks4W

Initially tested, considered IOC in Havana, and fielded in the Oval Office, now considered FOC.

The effects on the WH intended target worked better than intended. Target can no longer manage critical thinking and needed hypnosis to tackle stairs unimpeded by fear of falling.


Considering the difficulties in proving the cause of Havana Syndrome, do you think society is too reliant on concrete evidence to validate someone's suffering?


What are your thoughts on the idea that advanced technology might be used to harm individuals, as suggested by the Havana Syndrome cases?


Do you believe the government has a responsibility to provide more transparent information and support to those affected by unexplained phenomena like Havana Syndrome?

 @9L8G6LJ from Ohio commented…4wks4W

Yes they government should be transparent about how this phenomena will affect people.


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