Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @ConservaCoyoteLibertarian from Illinois disagreed…1mo1MO

Or could have endured what's called a blackout, which is auxiliary engines failure, which causes Main engine and steering control loss.

The reason I'm saying this is because you can notice the lights on the ship suddenly going out seconds before that happened

 @P0llingPlaceBradyRepublican from Michigan agreed…1mo1MO

it looks like a power fault. a lot of these ships are like 40-60 years old, so it's definitely not something that can be ruled out. especially with a ship from singapore, where they have a lot of these hand-me-down cargo ships.

 @WelfareEdSocialist from New York agreed…1mo1MO

 @ImportedOryxPeace and Freedom from Missouri disagreed…1mo1MO

It is impossible to trace internet traffic of someone who does not want to be traced and anyone who is claiming they did is probably the actual source of the traffic. If I was a Russian hacker, I would have the source of the attack lead to the white house.

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