Try the political quiz

8 Replies


Do you believe there are circumstances that justify a country conducting airstrikes on foreign soil, and what might those be?

 @9L5X2Z9 from South Dakota answered…1mo1MO

If one country provokes another then the country that was provoked has a right to respond.

 @9L5WWPZ from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

Yes, I believe that if another country were to start sending out airstrikes it would disrupt the peace and balance between the other countries.

 @9L5WSLT from Utah answered…1mo1MO

I believe if it is going to effect us in the future we should stop in and stop it.

 @9L5WW7L from Utah answered…1mo1MO

if those country's are a threat to their home soil. then it is justified if they are afraid of these country's and that they may take action apon them then they are justified.

 @JerkySarahRepublican from Michigan commented…1mo1MO

Israel has to go big, no choice. Question is whether USA joins. If Israel can provoke enough. Same as Ukr/Ru and eventually Taiwan.

Israel already been probing Lebonan, Hezbollah..


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