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7 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4wks4W

Headline should be "Hundreds of Clueless Midwits Assemble in Dallas to Beg Abbott to Expose Them to Invasion and Destruction"

It's true. A leftist won't take his own side in an argument.

 @9L4NBZMPeace and Freedom from Mississippi commented…1mo1MO

 @9L4J4GDRepublican from Michigan commented…1mo1MO

The federal government is prioritizing illegal immigrants over it's own citizens. This is wrong. If it continues, they can expect a fight back.

 @9L4HC2S from Ohio commented…1mo1MO


All of the immigrants need to be stopped because we don't have room for them

 @9L4JLZZ from Mississippi commented…1mo1MO

It depends on the situation of the illegal immigrates and the danger they reflect.

 @9L4LQKGProgressive  from Texas commented…1mo1MO

If the rally influences a big change then it's a positive change for me.


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