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 @9KBX8Z2 from California  answered…12mos12MO

I dont understand it myself because there is no right that a white person has that a person of color doesn't. People of color want things handed to them and choose not to work for it. I

 @9KCHVZS from Iowa  disagreed…12mos12MO

It isn't the fact that they don't have rights white people do, it's the fact that POC people are blatantly ignored, treated differently, and harassed day by day by white people due to racism. Socially, they are seen as less by a lot of people who have white privilege, those people not understanding what privilege they have. They do not want things handed to them, they want equality, and for white people to not have the privilege they do.

 @9KCFFLMDemocrat from Iowa  disagreed…12mos12MO

They don't want things handed to them they just don't want to have to fight to have what comes easier to white people

 @9KCJFWG from Virginia  disagreed…12mos12MO

there isnt any necessary right that they dont have on paper, however throughout history and currently and can be seen that people of color have a disadvantage in the workplace and just generally in society

 @9KGGN5LProgressive from Minnesota  disagreed…12mos12MO

Think of life in America as a race, and people of color unfortunately started that race about a hundred years late, and still dealt with extremely unfair environments and opportunities for at least another hundred years. If I race is to be fair, shouldn't it have been so from the beginning? Maybe now on paper they have equal rights, but they haven't had generation after generation accumulating representation, wealth, and power like white people have had since the beginning

 @9KCLXDQ from Ohio  answered…12mos12MO

I don't believe that white privilege is a thing. White people have been enslaved just like other races have been. (Ottoman Slave Trade) I think that black privilege is more of a thing in this country today, look at how much they can say and do. Black people can say racist things about white people and get away with it, but whites can't do that with black people.

 @9KFVR9RDemocrat from Ohio  disagreed…12mos12MO

Black people have been historically discriminated against in this country. For the longest time in America, white privilege was a huge issue. It may not be so big of an issue anymore, but it still exists and is still an issue here.

 @9KD8GH7Progressive from Virginia  disagreed…12mos12MO

White people have been enslaved elsewhere in the world, but not in America. As for racism against white people, it has no real power compared to racism against black people. Systemic racism like redlining (companies like banks avoiding commerce with ethnically diverse neighborhoods because they are "risky investments") as well as outright violence (cop or civilian shootings) never or rarely target white people.

White privilege is being jealous black people can be racist while black people fear poverty and death.

 @9KD7SG5 from Nevada  disagreed…12mos12MO

That although this is true, that does not mean that the Ottoman Empire only enslaved white people. They had enslaved tons of other ethnic groups and the Ottoman Empire is not the only nation to enslave any race for any reason. Not only that, this alleged concept right after the reference to the Ottoman Slave Trade does not mean you suddenly get the right to say racist things to black people. Hate speech is hate speech, no matter who says it.

 @9KD83SY from Pennsylvania  disagreed…12mos12MO

Assuming you are a white person living in the USA what lasting effects does the Ottoman Slave Trade have on you? My guess (unless you are from the region your talking about) is basically none. That is not true for black people living in the USA. The same country that enslaved them and didn't give them full equal rights until 70 years ago still has yet to make good on the evil that was done to them. For the years prior to their emancipation and later gaining of civil rights they were effectively held back from building wealth, while the white man was able to get ahead, secure good jobs and build generational wealth. Black people were not afforded this ability and as a result we see a disproportionate number of black people in poverty today compared to white people.

 @9KFRM5K from Missouri  answered…12mos12MO

White privilege is the inherent societal value that is given to white people based on years and years of white supremacy in our country.

 @9KP8RVCfrom Maine  disagreed…12mos12MO

Our society and government both privilege blacks and other minority ethnicities above whites. The notion that whites in this country are "privileged" is absurd.

 @9KJ8C97Republican from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is not here anymore. there is more black privilege now because everyone feels bad for what happened in the past.

 @hanbohobbitSocialist from North Carolina  agreed…12mos12MO

People who don't understand the concept of white privilege are often stuck on financial privilege being the only, or most important, consideration - they don't realize that it's more often about other types of cultural or social privileges vs. ingrained, perpetual biases that have less to do with wealth.

 @9KJ8JJN from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

The United States form of Government provides equality for all. Everyone has the same opportunities to succeed.

 @9KF86WH from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

Because they have never encountered racism themselves or have seen it first hand. Sometimes we are just ignorant and uneducated. Have them realize that not everyone goes through the same life experiences or is treated the same.

 @9KGNQPN from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

I am white and grew up where I was one of only a handful of white people. I was picked on and beat up because of my skin color. The only people that preach about white privileged are people brainwashed to feel guilty about who they are born as. Any time you pick a skin color to define someone is terrible. People should be ashamed of themselves for singling out anybody’s skin and is disgusting.

 @9KGNDWNRepublican from New York  agreed…12mos12MO

Because people are ignorant and love to accuse someone of their issues. And white privileg seems to be an easy uneducated answer

 @9KGNPDGfrom Montana  disagreed…12mos12MO

Racism against people of colour in America is no longer a problem. Thanks to DEI many people of colour will now have advantage over white people.

 @9K96WXZRepublican answered…12mos12MO

Racism definitely exists, however, the notion of white privilege having an extreme effect on society is just wrong. If anything I've seen more examples of "black privilege in today's society. I'm a half black half white American who appears more black than white, I've gotten more privilege from having a black heritage than any of my white heritage.

 @9K9BL3LPeace and Freedom from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege differs depending on where you're from, who you know, and how you look physically. I think because of that, not everyone is going to perceive "White privilege" in the same way. Why's it harder for me to obtain a job because of my very ethnic name? Why do I feel over-sexualized as a woman of color? Why do people constantly disrespect my heritage and how I do things culturally? Those are the questions you need to be asking.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  disagreed…12mos12MO

Whites have zero privilege that minorities don't in today's society. It's absurd and laughable to claim otherwise – whites are literally overlooked for admittance into universities and being hired for jobs because of their skin colour while minorities, particularly blacks, are hired in their place despite often being far less qualified. The best way to stop discrimination based on race is to stop discriminating based on race, period, no exceptions, and to treat everyone, including whites, with equal dignity and respect, always choosing the most qualified person for the job without any regard to race. Affirmative action and DEI are fundamentally racist ideologies.

 @9K99MRG from Ohio  disagreed…12mos12MO

Im white and everyday i see people use the excuse of being white to justify being a terrible person and act however they want to. Yes other races can have privilege but depending on what area you live in effects if it does anything. People struggle to understand "white privilege" because as a whole our society is blind towards practically everything unless it benefits them or allows them to be hateful.

 @9K998CSfrom Maine  disagreed…12mos12MO

An individuals experience is not the universal experience. The fact that we can through data see that black people are overall poorer than white people, and that much of that comes from the history of slavery in this country is just one argument as to why white privilege exists.

 @9K99FCX from Washington D.C.  disagreed…12mos12MO

White Privilege extends to so many areas of life, including that of personal safety. I am more likely to be targeted for the color of my skin than a white person.

 @9KHLLPB from Virginia  answered…12mos12MO

I think people don't realize that white privilege doesn't exist anymore. It existed back in the day but in this day and age they need to realize that we all suffer and go through things it's not related to race at all.

 @9KJLHCVWomen’s Equality from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

we all go through things. However, white ppl go through things and are just white. Other ppl go through things BECAUSE they are not white.

 @9KHPDCP from Florida  disagreed…12mos12MO

That it still exists but it has improved. There will always be preferences based on culture, race and ethnicity.


A take on white privilege this backwards could only come from a lack of perspective: Claiming this are "not related to race" is in and of itself a manifestation of white privilege. Being able to not become privy to any form of suffering or struggle that other's face on a daily basis, while confusing everyday struggles of living in America as being "equal" with people of color is exactly why white privilege will never not exist. It's far too ingrained in so many mindsets that they are unable to see it

 @9KHSR7G from Illinois  disagreed…12mos12MO

Racism is not just an interpersonal issue, but a structural one. Black people are more likely to face housing, employment, and healthcare discrimination on basis of race. Institutions like redlining have directly impacted the livelihoods of Black Americans across the country, the effects of which will likely prevail for decades to come. White people are, to most upon first impression, inherently more innocent, intelligent, trustworthy, or non-threatening than Black people, purely based on preconceived notions. In many cases, racism is entirely subconscious. This doesn't mean that it's not there, however.

 @9YJS25T  from Idaho  asked for more information…4mos4MO

Wouldn't sociologists or neurologists tell us it depends on who's preconceived notion we're talking about here ?! I'm thinking of jury studies & criminal defense case studies...we are more attracted to, and trusting of, people who look similar to us

 @9KCQ47N from Missouri  answered…12mos12MO

There is no such thing as white privilege and there is so little racism that we are only doing harm talking about it and bringing it up.

 @9KF6R5G from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

white privilege is a real thing that has stemmed from systemic racism in our societal infrastructure. We just need to be aware of it so we acknowledge when it happens, and strive to make a difference when we see it.

 @9KDPD6W from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Your experiences, at least in the USA, don't reflect the rest of the world.

 @9KFJSSKIndependent  from New York  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think that there very much is white privilege. As a white person, we can go around and not be scared when we get pulled over if something bad is going to happen because of the color of our skin. And the fact that people in many businesses deny someone of service because of the color of their skin. There also can tend to be moments in history that we whitewash. I don't think there's any harm is bringing it up because it's something that needs to change.

 @9KDQDFM from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

Only someone with white privilege would provide this answer. White privilege allows white members of society to begin their work higher up the economic and social ladder than minority groups, which is an unfair principle ingrained into our system that needs to be fixed.

 @9KBF2SG from Ohio  answered…12mos12MO

I don't believe people today of the white race have a privilege over other races.

 @9KBGCGV from Florida  disagreed…12mos12MO

Systematically, if you are white, you have an advantage over other people, that is how it has been since the beginning of time.

 @9KCRJ74Democrat from Indiana  disagreed…12mos12MO

In this day and age 'White privilege' still exists, they still control a lot more, and are able to do a lot more today. It's easier for white people to get more privileges than it is for people of color, people of color still get treated way differently in most areas. People of color are a lot easier to get in trouble, won't get hired because of the color of their skin, and the same problems we've had since back then.

 @9KCS2JP from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

When you go down to it there are going to be racist people and that automatically gives more privileges to "white people".

 @9YJS25T  from Idaho  corrected…4mos4MO

Not sure if we are talking global or national, but I would amend your last sentence to include automatically in places where whites are a majority of the population and/or where they hold a large majority of elected positions or financial power. This would likely not be the case if a white person or family were trying to make their way in Gambia or Polynesia.

 @9KCLCFQ from Pennsylvania  disagreed…12mos12MO

white Americans tend to always seem like they have it all, they don't have to worry about their citizenship because they were naturally born here. it's often show how great Americans have it; white Americans have this rich look to them, and because of that, it usually causes people to envy them or even hate them.

 @9KB94TNRepublican from Wisconsin  answered…12mos12MO

I think that people make it worse by talking about it.

 @9KBG4WC from Nebraska  disagreed…12mos12MO

If people ignore white privilege, it gets progressively worse. The only way to make change is to talk about it. White people have convinced themselves it doesn't exist and constantly fight it.

 @9KBF3CT from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think the people that face this is people of color and stuff that can be escalated because of the color of there skin, which they cannot control. Where as a white man is more likely to not be thought of something to happen to them.

 @9KBGHW6 from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

I disagree, when talking about it, it helps more people understand what is going on and why it's a problem. It may cause disagreements but communicating is better than staying quiet.

 @9KBGCK3 from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is something that should be brought up so people can realize it does exist. It is a topic that needs to be brought up and the struggle to understand won't be helped if it is avoided at all costs. Growth equals discomfort and there is no possible way we can get anywhere if we don't have those uncomfortable conversations.

 @9KFPFJ6Women’s Equality from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

White privilege is how white people have more rights than black people, and some people struggle because it is a bit wrong.

 @9KG7QM6 from Arkansas  agreed…12mos12MO

In my experience, people who reject the idea of white privilege tend to be white people who feel like they got themselves where they are. They think the idea of having a leg up is ridiculous, because they don’t feel as though they had one. In reality, white privilege is much more insidious than that. These ideas of racial inequality are deeply rooted in our nations history and ancestors, so most people do not realize they are biased towards a particular group.

 @9KG9SD5Republican from Indiana  disagreed…12mos12MO

There are more white people I feel that struggle because they are white. The other races because they are a different race sometimes get more privilege due to the color of the skin

 @9KG962F from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

white privilege isn't that white people have more legal rights, they have more social privileges such as respect and aren't socially seen as less than. some struggle to understand it because they see minorities experiencing an increase in rights and just automatically assume that everyone's equal now only because there is no legal differences. however, the way they are seen socially greatly impacts the way they are treated in various institutions and so continue to be disadvantaged.

 @9KG9FFHWomen’s Equality from New York  agreed…12mos12MO

I do not think that white people have more rights than others, however white people may be treated better or more leniently than other people.

 @9K9C8BT from Arizona  answered…12mos12MO

Some people are un-educated and play the victim. They think all white people have there life easy when most of them really don't


White privilege isn't the idea that all white people have it easy, but that white people inherently have social privileges that other minorities do not have.

 @9K9LXBV from Nebraska  disagreed…12mos12MO

Nobody said they we white people had it easy. Everyone has their own issues. The thing about white privilege is, that our issues usually aren't tied to race. I deal with issues such as the recent loss of my friend to suicide, but that didn't happen to me because I am white, and it could've happened to anyone. Meanwhile, a person who isn't white has to deal with issues we white people don't. As a white person, you don't have to worry about walking down the street only to get lynched because of the color of your skin. You don't have to worry about being stuck…  Read more

 @9K9KQNB from Nevada  disagreed…12mos12MO

Systemically white people have it easier, they have built the society to best support them, that little things like buying a product specfically for POCs (i.e a hairbrush) it is still more costly then the white counterpart. There are other bigger instances as well, where society is set up for POCs to not succeed in the same way white people are set up to succeed.

 @9K9J784 from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

just because someone is white and still has troubles in their lives doesn’t mean they do not have white privilege. If your troubles do not stem from your race then you have white privilege and have never experienced racial discrimination

 @9K9983R  from Texas  answered…12mos12MO


 @9K9BKZW from South Dakota  disagreed…12mos12MO

Our country is built on slave labor, if someone is unwilling to look at history and see that then they are sure to be blind to racism.

  @NameIGuessLolSocialist  from Ohio  disagreed…6mos6MO


The data says otherwise. Blacks are near-consistently twice as likely to be unemployed than whites.Show image

 @9KCJWSG from North Dakota  answered…12mos12MO

Some people struggle with white privilege because they don’t want to feel they should be “guilty” of crimes committed by their ancestors. What they don’t realize is that no one is accusing them of anything they can control, but rather pointing out a societal flaw that white people unwillingly (and often unknowingly) benefit from.

 @9KCP4M4 from California  disagreed…12mos12MO

I am not responsible for people who are already dead. I am inclusive and accepting of all people regardless of skin color and i believe i do not have any special privileges.

 @9KCLHH6Socialist from Arizona  agreed…12mos12MO

I think we also need to examine as a community how our fear of losing power and control is a part of our discomfort in acknowledging this, and that inaction is violence.

 @9KCQ2HJRepublican from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

There is no such thing as white privilege. The reality is that it is wealth privilege. The disparity in social classes has widened dramatically and it has become increasingly difficult to raise ones social class. Generational wealth provides privilege (not skin color) such as access to better education and better job opportunities. While there are more white people with generational wealth, it's that wealth providing the privilege, not their skin. A perfect example would be that the highest earning racial group in America is a minority group; Asian/South Asian, not white.

 @9KBKC4D from Washington  answered…12mos12MO

People struggle to understand white privilege because it is what is inherently given to white people at birth and sometimes isn't acknowledged as a privilege. The ability to not think about or acknowledge white privilege IS the most basic understanding of white privilege.

 @9KH4376 from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is something made up by others to account for the fact they did nothing with their lives and they're victims of racism, they don't want to take responsibility for their own failures.

 @9KFDKSP from Louisiana  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think white privelege is a thing and many people know because of the better opportunities they recieve.

 @9KFCJY2 from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege does not exist. All races can have some privileges most of which are because of economics.


Because those people are closed-minded and have never been discriminated against, been enslaved or had family members enslaved.

 @9KQX8XD from Illinois  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is no longer a thing in this country as there are no discriminatory laws on the books.

 @9KQW2VQ from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

No one alive today has experienced slavery or extreme racism. The law protects all people regardless of race and the country has moved past the racism in our history.

 @9KJSZGTWomen’s Equality  from Pennsylvania  disagreed…12mos12MO

I agree with the first part of the sentence but not the end because white people have no been enslaved they have been the ones abusing power. I think they crave that power and don't fully understand the consequences when they do.

 @9KG4SN3 from California  answered…12mos12MO

Because white people have been coddled by this society and have the freedom to not think about the fact they do infact have privileges and when POC say that they feel threatened.

 @9KJZJPQRepublican from North Carolina  disagreed…12mos12MO

The only reason people say whites have privileges is because we further ourselves more than some others do.

 @9KK392S from Oklahoma  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think privilege has nothing to do with the color of your skin and everything to do with where you were born and what family you were born into. I believe the privilege comes from the money you have access to from birth.

 @9KK2RRQ from North Carolina  disagreed…12mos12MO

White people may have some privileges but so do other races their are so many people that will give you a job because of your race to have diversity, their are also a lot of scholarships that just people from certain races can get.

 @9KFWLXX from Minnesota  answered…12mos12MO

Yes some people do not understand white privilege but I don't think that I know enough to explain it.

 @9KK7ZB3 from Missouri  agreed…12mos12MO

I am white, therefore I don't see the reverse side of being not white. I struggle to see anyone as less than equal to me.

 @9KK24V5 from Ohio  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think many people who don’t understand white privilege are white and have never had to consider what it would be like to live life in someone’s shoes who are not white. This is white privilege.

 @9KJZKJV from Georgia  disagreed…12mos12MO

It doesn't exist, people are making it harder on themselves just for attention then complain when they oppress themselves.

 @9KBLM3G  from Connecticut  answered…12mos12MO

because white privilege don’t realize the privilege that they have, how they won’t be treated differently when driving, or living in a “white” neighborhood, being judged on how they speak or look or act based off stereotypes.

 @9KCHZGT from North Carolina  disagreed…12mos12MO

White people have less of a privilege based on the opportunity of getting into jobs and colleges which really means people of color have more of a privilege.

 @9KCHL4W from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

I think white people don't think they are treated differently. White people don't make a big sense as other races do.

 @9KBS8TD from Washington  agreed…12mos12MO

Some people struggle with knowing the concept because they haven't seen the difference for themselves. People are better aware to things that they can see.

 @9KJ9B6G from Washington  answered…12mos12MO

Some people didn't grow up in a world with it and don't see it, therefore, they don't understand it. It's white people getting the upper hand because of racism.

 @9KNW8LCRepublicanfrom Northern Mariana Islands  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is not real, it’s propaganda made by the same liberals that support BLM and want to defund our police. But we’re the same liberals quick to call 9-11 for police help, statistically Asian Americans are the highest paying ethic group in America right now , so will there be a Asian privilege now.

 @9KNMBBJ from Ohio  agreed…12mos12MO

yes, since racism is now legally not a thing, and everyone of different color now have the same rights, people who have not visibly seen this are unaware.

 @9KN5HZM from Virginia  agreed…12mos12MO

Them coming from a long line or white privilege it is going to be hard to see beyond their families beliefs.

 @9KGR8BGSocialist from Pennsylvania  answered…12mos12MO

I believe that some people struggle with the idea of "white-privilege" because they're entitled, and ignorant. White people live their lives so much easier than minorities, and always have. Because of this, they don't know what it would be like to be disadvantaged in society. Of course, white people can have hard lives as well, but a white person living in poverty has life so much easier than a POC living in poverty, just because of societal standards.

 @9KL73MY from Illinois  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege is a construct designed to create victimhood in both minorities and whites. This creates an “us vs them” environment in which no one feels that they can succeed. The ONLY way to improve the outcomes of all is to imposed them to understand that worth is not based on skin color, but is inherent in the human condition. Only By lifting up all people, can we create a society in which all can succeed

 @9KL73HV from Missouri  disagreed…12mos12MO

I believe that white privilege is not a thing in the United States. Race is one of the least important factors, if not the least, when it comes to success in America. Rather, it's the idea that POC need to be coddled or treated like they don't have the ability to accomplish as much as a white person that's the true bigotry. The biggest factor in determining whether someone is successful in America is if they grew up in a two parent household. Many of the gaps in success people accuse racism for are actually gaps due to the family structure of the people analyzed. This is especially important when it comes to academic success, wealth, lack of criminal behavior, etc.

 @9KL66NS from Michigan  disagreed…12mos12MO

America has come a long way from slavery, etc. It is time to heal the wounds, not create bigger ones.


Because white privilege these days means white people can't say certain things and that's about it. very few people go out of their way to be racist and I think the idea of white privilege is just driving a further line between people

 @9KKHS3B from Illinois  agreed…12mos12MO

I agree that “white privilege” can be a barrier between people. In fact, race in its entirety can come off as taboo in general if you’re not careful about how you bring it up and/or talk about it.

It’s a bit ironic when you realize we want to teach race to kindergartners when we can’t even understand it ourselves.

 @9KKFD65Independent from Texas  disagreed…12mos12MO

People don't often go out of their way to be racist, even if it's the most subtle form of racism it is still a great problem and separates society.

 @9KKBJ4D from Maryland  disagreed…12mos12MO

the individual answering is not taking into consideration the big picture and does not understand what it's like to be on the other end of 'white privilege', you can tell when someone's never struggled a day in their life

 @9KHRHYJ  from Texas  answered…12mos12MO

yes, many people beilve that white privilege is not real and that even people could be rasict toward white people. what they fail to understand is that they were born with all right while minorties still to this day have to fight for theres. They will never be seen as different because they are white and that is their privilege.

 @9KJGM9V from North Carolina  disagreed…12mos12MO

Institutionally, there is nothing stopping a minority from becoming wealthy, and their rights are defended by law.

 @9KJG9FK from North Carolina  disagreed…12mos12MO

White privilege does not exist, everyone is equal in todays America it’s a racist ideology meant to divide people


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