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Biden Defends Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

 @BipartisanAvaNo Labelsfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

List of mistakes Biden made in relation to the withdrawal from Afghanistan:

-Telegraphing an exact withdrawal date to the Taliban, who had been closing in on Kabul for over a year.

-Tightening rules of engagement so much that a Marine sniper who had positive identification on the bomber who killed 13 troops was never given authorization to take the shot.

-Pulling all US support for the Afghan National Army months before the withdrawal.

-Choosing political optics over tactical and strategic soundness by withdrawing from the middle of Kabul instead of the remote fortress of Bagram airfield…  Read more

 @PragmaticDickRepublicanfrom Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

If something is done intentionally, and the person responsible could have and should have expected the eventual result, and that person does not regret said result, can you still call them mistakes?