Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @G0vernanceOctopusAmerican Solidarity from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

Trump claimed “I can’t recall 140 times in ONE of his depositions.

Robert Hur is not a doctor. His judgmental, clearly biased, comments about Biden are just that: biased Repub rhetoric - he is James Comey “…but her emails…” all over again.

What person, being deposed hasn’t said, “ I don’t recall”?

 @Grassr00tVultureDemocratfrom Oregon commented…3mos3MO

I'm voting for Joe because of the experience and decision making skills he brings to the office. He is surrounded by a great Cabinet and other dedicated people working for the same goals he professes. Do I agree with them all...well, almost. His mind is not shot, that's obvious, Does he falter a bit, yes, but he knows what is right. Unlike Trump. FDR's polio did not get in the way of how his mind worked!

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