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Supreme Court Skeptical of Colorado’s Decision to Kick Trump off 2024 ballot

 @TenaciousR3ferendumRepublican from New York commented…8mos8MO

If you want to know what the Colorado/Trump case was all about to begin with, notice they are all focusing on Clarence Thomas now that they know, and have always known, they were going to lose this.

It's always been about painting SCOTUS as a corrupt, insurrectionist branch of government that is now illegitimate.

A 9-0 ruling kills that pretty much, but they won't care. It's always been about going after the Supreme Court, again.

 @CurArianaConstitutionfrom Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

Gonna be hard to make that "recusal" narrative stick after an 8-1 or 9-0 decision.

 @TenaciousR3ferendumRepublican from New York commented…8mos8MO

 @CurArianaConstitutionfrom Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

The court is the only thing remaining the regime doesn’t fully control. And if not for DJT, the regime would already have SCOTUS, too. When/if they control the highest court, then what? But keep on Never’Trumpin, Stephen.

 @GrudgingLardDemocratfrom Guam commented…8mos8MO

If Dems have the ability to completely rig an election, why would we need to partake in election interference?

MAGA logic makes no sense

 @CurArianaConstitutionfrom Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

The “threat to de?mocracy” people should be happy when the Supreme Court says they can’t restrict our democracy, right?