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6 Replies

 @PuzzledRavenPeace and Freedom from Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

Spot on! Past victimhood doesn't grant you a carte blanche to commit atrocities without facing repercussions. Such actions would turn society into a jungle.

 @L1b3rtyWillowLibertarian from Ohio commented…8mos8MO

As for the Russians. Don’t forget they lost one third of their population during ww2.

Invaded through Ukraine by the Germans as they were by Napoleon . Everybody has a family member who died in the war. It Deeply ingrained Ukraine and invasion and death into them.

To have nato (enemy) set up shop there is INTOLERABLE to the average Russian on the street. They would rather die.

Biden misjudged the Russian people.

 @PuzzledRavenPeace and Freedom from Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

6m Jews died in WW2 25m Russians died in WW2 so..

 @L1b3rtyWillowLibertarian from Ohio commented…8mos8MO

Yea, not only that, but the Russians destroyed 80% of the Nazi forces and equipment, accelerating the end of the war. The Jews contributed ZERO!

 @PuzzledRavenPeace and Freedom from Tennessee commented…8mos8MO

I always say that if there were no Russians, now everyone who hates Russians would be kissing boots with swastikas, but people like to change history and minimize all the victims of Russia


Can the suffering of a nation's past be used to excuse its present behaviors in international conflicts?

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