Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @ActivistPloverGreen from Minnesota commented…9mos9MO

The CEO of Yum brands, which owns Pizza Hut & Taco Bell, makes $16,303,664/yr.

Pizza Hut Division CEO $4,704,483/yr.

Taco Bell Division CEO $5,366,959/yr.

 @N0minati0nCharlotteLibertarian from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

i'm starting to think these CEO salaries are reasonable, given the extraordinary degree of economic illiteracy on the left

 @EnviousT4riffRepublicanfrom Minnesota commented…9mos9MO

It absolutely is, especially given their responsibilities.

 @ActivistPloverGreen from Minnesota commented…9mos9MO

Yea such responsibilities are definitely worth 16 million a year while getting the customer the food isn't worth $20 a hour? Average delivery driver doesn't get more than 30 hr week and no health insurance. The ceo deserves 16M but the face of the business doesn't deserve 30k.

 @N0minati0nCharlotteLibertarian from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

It’s amazing leftists are still arguing that low skill employees arbitrarily “deserve” more money, literally right below a post about how this kind of economic illiteracy costs thousands of people their jobs

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…9mos9MO

Why is this surprising? Whenever government interferes with the free market there will be catastrophic results.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

The FDA and OSHA come to mind as extremely obvious evidence that’s not true.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…9mos9MO

Oh, we must be talking about different FDA's and OSHA's. Maybe there's different bureaucracies with identical names in Virginia that I just haven't heard about. Because the FDA I KNOW, which is at the federal level, has claimed that the Covid poison injections were "perfectly safe" and instituted mandates on those grounds, resulting in millions of health complications and thousands of deaths because they were clearly and demonstrably WRONG. Also, it could just be me, but I think being a fatso is disgusting and horrible for your health. But not according to the…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Okay, clearly we get to venture into the “VaCcInE iS dAnGeRoUs” territory, so let’s start right now:

THE. VACCINES. ARE. SAFER. THAN. COVID. It’s not a poison, it’s been thoroughly tested, the FDA is also the very thing keeping your water from being filled with lead, and OSHA serves to regulate businesses causing problems or treating workers poorly. Regardless what you think, these two are extremely pivotal in protecting people as a whole.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…9mos9MO

I've noticed quite a lot of circular reasoning fallacies in this comment – you've merely stated your (false) position, "vaccines are safer than covid" as a way to argue for that position. This is known as begging the question, and it violates the Laws of Logic. If it's not poison why have so many people died because of it, or suffered health problems? That's what poison is – it causes harm to people. And that point you've never once addressed. As for their thorough testing, guess who tested it? THE FDA THEMSELVES ALONG WITH THEIR BIG PHARMA CRONI…  Read more

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