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Yes, sexism can be a double edge sword and men have unrealistic expectations as well as women.


masculinity is a good thing and should be valued, but people value the wrong things about it, like subjugation of women

 @9HGD3MH from Massachusetts answered…7mos7MO

The reason for the toxic masculinity in the news media is because of the 4th wave feminist movement and movements within it such as the me too movement, the pro abortion movement and the misandry movement. In late 2017 we saw the “all men are rapists” posts going all over so social media platforms like Facebook and then in 2018 we saw the Kavvanugh Vs Ford trial in which Ford accused Supreme Court selected nominee Brett Kavvanugh (I apologize if I spelled his name wrong) of sexually assaulting her at a party back in 1982. When they asked for evidence the me too movement stepped…  Read more

 @9HGB5FHRepublican from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

 @9HGB2S7 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

When men actively avoid vulnerability, act on homophobic beliefs, ignore personal traumas, or exhibit prejudice behaviors against women, this contributes to many larger societal problems. Effects of toxic masculinity: Domestic abuse. Gender-based violence.

 @9HGB98G from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

I believe so, everybody always talks about how unfair we are to women and how we are always so sexist, but what they don't realize is that they always expect so much from men and have such high standards for how they should act and who they should be, which in it of itself is very sexist. Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I should be treated any differently than anyone else.

 @9HGBB3V from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

yes it does create unrealistic expectations a lot of men influencers have this unrealistic ideal of what a man is. A lot of these standards include money and misogyny.They think femininity is a bad thing and things such as taking care of yourself is not masculine.Also men with unrealistic body types and lots of boys drink protein drinks and buy things that are supposed to help you with building muscle so that can achieve this unrealistic standard of masculinity. lots of men think that because lots of men do this and that because they do this it makes them better then everyone else and shame other people like bigger people or women who dont also try to stay skinny.Men dont focus on bettering themselves they focus on physical appearance.

 @9HGBB7D from New York answered…7mos7MO

Yes, some may say it's traditional to be masculine but the standards are not real and corrupting society, wear what you want and do what you want whenever you want.


Men get more rights then women do. More people look up to men, because they've have had rights longer.

 @9HGB6TL from Kentucky answered…7mos7MO

No, masculinity is good, you and your body can always be better. Reject modernism. Embrace masculinity


Being strong is all a man could be in this world, when people have power, they need to be responsible with that power. Nobody makes your limits, and nobody should be effecting your opinion. There is nobody else but you.


Yes, in some ways. Men should not be forced to look or act the same way, everyone is different.


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