Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @BrightCoatiRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…5mos5MO

Why the frak is the IDF on Capitol Hill, lobbying? They are the military of a foreign government.

 @C0al1tionPeteGreen from North Carolina commented…5mos5MO

Doesn't "closed-door PR-Blitz" equate to "we know we're wrong but we have campaign money for you?"

 @AnxiousInd3pend3nt from Connecticut commented…5mos5MO

The Israelis seem to be panicking. Once they lose the American public ...

 @PollingBarryGreen from Massachusetts commented…5mos5MO

I'm not sure if this is necessary at all because Congress is fully behind Israel's mowing the lawn campaign in Gaza.

 @9HBB33S from New York commented…5mos5MO

Stupid that no one is openly calling for retaliation against Iran since they are main backers of Hamas

 @9HBFPQB from Arizona commented…5mos5MO

Israel is deliberately trying to wage a global propaganda campaign to garner support for their atrocities and occupation of Palestine. Israel trying to persuade our own elected officials in their favor is disgusting to me.



Can you imagine circumstances where restricting military information from the public could be justified?


What effect do you believe closed-door briefings have on the transparency of military operations?


Would you trust the explanations of a foreign military without having access to outside reports and why?


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