Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @VotingToucan from Florida commented…7mos7MO

This is going to anger China, which has chosen Iran and Hamas in this war. I was wrong about Elon Musk. I never thought he'd take on the CCP in this way, or anger his far-Right sycophants. He just did a Twitter Spaces with Bibi in which he vowed to take a role in rebuilding Gaza.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

I'm glad he's doing it. I am perfectly fine and even happy to see billionaire philanthropists like him help out Israel. The only thing I'm not fine with seeing is our own government using money it stole from us via taxes to fund foreign wars.

 @CleverPr0porti0nalfrom Hawaii commented…7mos7MO

Why would going to Israel anger China when China is Israel's second-largest trading partner? The high volume of Israeli weapons sales to China has been a diplomatic problem for the US, especially sales of US tech to China.

 @InnocentPartis4n from Texas commented…7mos7MO

Will he go to Gaza next?

Maybe Detroit or Chicago?

The ME is bad everywhere, all sides, always has been and nothing will ever change it.

Can we fix America, first, please?

 @C1vilRightsLeah from Indiana commented…7mos7MO

First to fix America is to throw criminal tRump and those involved in the planning and attack on 1/6/21 in prison. And then for my dad’s Republican Party to rid the party of the MAGA stench. I will not vote for any GOP again until they do.

 @BubblyWeaverLibertarian from Massachusetts commented…7mos7MO

Elon is NOT an elected official. He owes none of you anything. The people who criticize Elon every move are the same people who criticized Mr beast for funding 100 wells in Africa. Neither one of them are obligated to do anything.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

In fact, many people owe ELON their jobs. Don't despise successful people, they hire the workforce of America.


If you were in Elon Musk's position, how would you approach the delicate balance of addressing humanitarian issues while maintaining business interests?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…7mos7MO

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