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653 Replies

 @9H9W5ZX from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder, it is only fair for them to get a larger portion of wealth than someone who doesn't work as hard. It promotes competition and helps society as a whole to progress, because there is a motivation to create new and exciting things.

  @CrowWatchingJustice party member  from Utah commented…8mos8MO

CEOs and most corporate leaders don’t work hard, they make money off other people working hard.


I think people who work harder, deserve the right to earn more than those that don't.

 @9HBR88J from Wisconsin answered…8mos8MO

I feel as if the people who work harder should have the right to be able to have a higher income then those of people who don't work as much or nearly as harder then those who do.

 @9HBPBL9 from Texas answered…8mos8MO

As amazing as hard workers are, if they're guaranteed rewards then the people who don't work as hard won't try to do the job, I believe hard workers deserve rewards but not big ones so it doesn't upset the balance.

 @9HB3WSS from California answered…8mos8MO

I believe that if you worl hard for what you get you should be able to get more money apposed to someone who doesnt work as hard

 @9HBRTZW from Delaware answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder, it is only fair for them to get a larger portion of wealth than someone who doesn't work as hard. It promotes competition and helps society as a whole to progress, because there is a motivation to create new and exciting things

 @9HCF65V from Wisconsin answered…8mos8MO

If you work harder you should obviously get paid more, some say CEO’s and very rich people don’t work hard and make other work for them. They earned their position, if it was easy to be rich, everyone would be.

 @9HD277T from Texas answered…8mos8MO

I think it is totally fair that one who works harder will earn more by the simple fact that they put more effort into it. If they have a higher educational degree, which means they dedicated more of their time in academics, it must be granted to them to be able to earn more as they have more knowledge. One who puts more efforts into work should earn the most.

 @9HB3C3P from Utah answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBL6HWDemocrat  from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

I think the harder you work the more you receive because working hard gets you places but if you don't put your all then you won't get as much.

 @9HBLKRJ from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

I believe that people who work harder should earn more than people who don't. It is not fair that someone who works day and night earns less or the same as someone who puts in half the work that they do.

 @9HB3G9CRepublican from Virginia answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder they deserve more. People in today's society are lazy and expect equal pay for doing nothing.

 @9HBQY7S from Texas answered…8mos8MO

people who put in more WORK need to make more. it doesnt matter how much talent you have

 @9HBTL3DPeace and Freedom from Colorado answered…8mos8MO

i do think that it is mainly fair. if someone is better at something or works harder at something they should be rewarded. but if many talents are working hard together they should get paid the same

 @9HCJDTL from California answered…8mos8MO

I think it is reasonable that individuals who work harder to earn more should earn more.

 @9HCF58B from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder, it is only fair for them to get a larger portion of wealth than someone who doesn't work as hard. It promotes competition and helps society as a whole to progress, because there is a motivation to create new and exciting things.


Everyone should earn a basic amount that allows them to survive without harming themselves, but those who work harder and are more talented should be able to earn more

 @9HBR7DLRepublican from Florida answered…8mos8MO

i think that its fair for individuals with more talant or who work harder should earn more.

 @9HBV2NT from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

 @9HCJH47 from California answered…8mos8MO

I would say yes, people Who work harder should get paid for their efforts and their hours put in.

 @9HCCJLY from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

I feel as if the people who work harder should have the right to be able to have a higher income then those of people who don't work as much or nearly as harder then those who do.

 @9HCL8PR from California answered…8mos8MO

 @9HCDFZP from Florida answered…8mos8MO

 @9HCGK28 from Washington answered…8mos8MO

I do think it's fair. Someone who shows up, puts in the effort, received the education should make a good amount of money. And someone who never shows up, cheated their way through, and has a negative attitude should be paid a less amount. Payment should reflect work ethic.

 @9HBLCDS from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

I think actual hard workers should earn more because they deserve it. I'm not saying people who don't work hard enough shouldn't or don't earn it just that people who work hard should earn a little more.

 @9HBRC5N from West Virginia answered…8mos8MO

I would say it’s fair that they earn more as that they work harder when on the job so it only makes sense that they earn more than the people that just do what their supposed to but don’t really work very hard

 @9HCJKJ7 from California answered…8mos8MO

I think if people work harder or are better at something, they should earn more money. This is not only the basis for capitalism but is also fair. Without this, people would have no motivation to work above a certain standard, and all innovation or progress would stagnate, as there would be no incentives. However, there are those who earn ridiculous amounts of money, whos income should probably be curbed.

 @9HBSC9K from California answered…8mos8MO

I believe that those who put in more effort and work harder should be paid more than those who don't try or care.

 @9HBL98X from Utah answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder, it is only fair for them to get a larger portion of wealth than someone who doesn't work as hard. It promotes competition and helps society as a whole to progress, because there is a motivation to create new and exciting things.

 @9HCQ6T8Peace and Freedom from California answered…8mos8MO

I think that the people that work harder and don't slack off there work should earn more because if they don't then what are they doing all this work for. They should earn more money!

 @9HCDCPPJustice party member from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

If someone works harder, it is only fair for them to get a larger portion of wealth than someone who doesn't work as hard. It promotes competition and helps society as a whole to progress, because there is a motivation to create new and exciting things.

 @9HBHZR5 from Pennsylvania answered…8mos8MO

If they work harder and are more talented they should be promoted and then they can earn more.

 @9HCFGV6Independent from New York answered…8mos8MO

I believe that individuals that are very dedicated to their work and try their best at all times deserve more money than an individual that does nothing to very little to impact the company.

 @9HBRXFH from Texas answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBK898 from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

 @9HCNHQ9 from Virginia answered…8mos8MO

I believe the people who work hard for their spot should get paid more rather than the lazy.

 @9HCC5TK from Florida answered…8mos8MO

I think its fair that individuals with more talent or that work harder earn more. If you work harder you should be rewarded more.

 @9HBXFR5 from Missouri answered…8mos8MO

Yes I very much agree that those who have the capability and drive to do what they do best should be given more for their hard work. Not only does this give an incentive to work harder it also increases happiness for those who work harder and love what they do.

 @9HCML54 from Texas answered…8mos8MO

It is fair. People go through a lot more training and education for their jobs should be rewarded with a higher pay.

 @9HBT27R from South Carolina answered…8mos8MO

Those who work harder should be paid more in accordance to the difficulty of the job, while the less hard workers should still receive a base pay they need to survive.

 @9HBW6R8Peace and Freedomanswered…8mos8MO

I feel like people who work harder and put in more effort should be getting paid more. Because it shows how hard they are willing to work to get more money.

 @9HBSXP4 from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBXJB7 from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

The people who work harder to earn more and people with more talent should be payed more due to the service they are providing. If their service is top tier and very satisfactory then they should be payed what is worth their service.

 @9HBV7ZF from Washington answered…8mos8MO

yes people that work harder or have a talent in that field should get paid more to do their job. if we all had the same salary people would be lazy and just collect paychecks

 @9HCGHC6Women’s Equality from Texas answered…8mos8MO

I believe people who work harder should make more money, for what they worked for.

 @9HCJ5D7 from California commented…8mos8MO

however this works best in the hypothetical world of everyone starting from the same place. and saddly it's more complex.

 @9HBFD5W from California answered…8mos8MO

I think it is very fair for those who work harder or are better at their job to be paid more because of it. This incentivizes hard-work and encourages people to be more willing to reach a higher salary. If everybody earns the same, nobody will want to work.


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