Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9H9JHCM from New Jersey answered…7mos7MO

Far-right seems a bit racist/white-supremacism/elitist. It seems to mostly benefit rich white men. The image it provokes is Donald Trump.

 @9H6CHF5Libertarian from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

I think democrats use the term far right inappropriately to describe normal things conservatives believe to demonize them, and this takes away from actual far right Ideology we might not associate with. Half of the country voted for Trump yet they're all far right

 @9H9N4XMDemocrat from Delaware answered…7mos7MO

I'd define it as one who believes in conservative values and is likely Republican. The image that this evokes is Donald J. Trump.

 @9H9JKJ5 from California answered…7mos7MO

Far right very conservative and I don’t believe their stances are right you need some structure and people need to have equal human rights