Try the political quiz

464 Replies

 @9H9WD68Republican from Florida answered…8mos8MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.

 @9H9V9VV from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

Get to know all sides of the situation personally to ensure you aren’t being fed misinformation, and then make an informed decision based on your personal beliefs and experiences.

 @9H9QH4B from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

Using the education system to help the new incoming generations to see how the stereotypes that are out there in the world are just stereotypes and they should be stopped so we all have more of a better sense of equality.

 @9HBJXVL from Texas answered…8mos8MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.

 @9H8XTHG from Nebraska answered…8mos8MO

Because of the rise of many modern groups, such as the LGBTQ+, there has been a rise in distain between groups of people, and both parties are trying to force their ideologies on the other. Thus, the best way to differentiate between critics and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes against a group of people has to be how the person who is either criticizing or perpetuating harmful stereotypes backs their claims. Is what they are saying backed by logic, stats, or other credible sources, or do they just hate a group of people for the reason that they don't comply with their beliefs? For example, many Christians and religious groups cause conflict when someone believes something other than their own belief. This sort of interaction also has caused wars and many deaths, Which, in my opinion, is rather illogical and discriminatory.

 @9H9ZSJT from Texas answered…8mos8MO

people should become more educated on thing before speaking on certain topics. As well as knowing that teaching about personal bias and learning that each person is not the same

 @9H9SLDM from Utah answered…8mos8MO

people just need to understand their own beliefs and not follow everything that they see. its not that hard to differentiate criticism from hate speech but people have lost that ability of good judgment.

 @kkarsob  from Alabama answered…8mos8MO

We can be conscious of our word choices and do research to make sure we don't make or fuel negative stereotypes against a group of people. Criticism is valid, but proper research and unbias needs to be present so that a negative stereotype isn't made.

 @9HBNC5RDemocrat from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

There needs to be less sensationalization in the media. Every time something awful is happening somewhere in the world, the news cycle blames the minority group and paints them out as evil and dehumanizes them and I think if we were hearing from those directly affected by what's going on, then we could see the bigger picture and it would help to humanize these people and make them actually care about what's really happening and not what the media makes it out to be.

 @9HBWSXZ from South Carolina answered…8mos8MO

I think people just need to be less hostile in general and to try and understand what someone is saying or expressing.

 @9HBTRZ5 from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

I believe that people should be educated on both sides of the conflict rather than following the biased news which focus on one side of things.

 @9H9TTGC from Texas answered…8mos8MO

To differentiate between stereotypes and ideas, we should teach more about freedom of religion and how that is okay.

 @9H8R67Q from Iowa answered…8mos8MO

Contradictions within an idea do not automatically dehumanize the followers of said idea, and deserve respect as people so long as they do not harm anyone.

 @9HBSG4BSocialist from Iowa answered…8mos8MO

While I am not very well-informed on this and am not 100% behind anything I propose here, I think it's best to approach it on a case-by-case basis, because my current perception is that a lot of the time stereotypes stem from factual inaccuracies and simplifications of the truth.

 @9HBP646 from Washington answered…8mos8MO

people should become more educated on thing before speaking on certain topics. As well as knowing that teaching about personal bias and learning that each person is not the same

 @9HCHBNQ from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

Using the education system to help the new incoming generations to see how the stereotypes that are out there in the world are just stereotypes and they should be stopped so we all have more of a better sense of equality.

 @9HBPZKL from Virginia answered…8mos8MO

Get to know both sides of the situation and make an informed decision based on your own experiences.

 @9H9XR74 from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

Listen to what’s really happening and form your own opinion based on that

 @9H9Y4GJ from Kentucky commented…8mos8MO

 @9HCSZ7Y from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

It's important to get firsthand information from all sides before making an informed decision based on personal beliefs and experiences.

 @9H6SWC8 from Texas answered…8mos8MO

We should teach in our schools that every religion deserves respect, and in social studies make sure people understand a little bit about every religion so they can know that they’re all people with interesting and differing beliefs, and ultimately, that’s ok.

 @9H9X2VZ from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

People should be able to say and believe as they please. Unless it physically harms somebody, or mocks their religion, people and criticize and disagree.

 @9HCP633 from Oregon answered…8mos8MO

Simply teach ideas accurately. They're not stereotypes if they're taught properly, with points of view from different people within that group to show intersectionality as well as a nuanced point of view. From there, identifying potential points of contention within the ideas is the best way to go, as opposed to criticizing.

 @9HBKRDG from Kentucky answered…8mos8MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.

 @9HC2QQF  from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

I believe that education is particularly important for cultivating students' ability to think critically rather than make assumptions immediately. Therefore, I think that a government focus on education can help prevent harmful stereotypes from being perpetuated.

 @9HBL6BK from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

Treat all people according to their actions instead of their skin color, ideas, religion or beliefs.


I think that when speaking about a situation where there is a difference between stereotypes and criticizing the actual people harming others.

 @9HCD8ZD from Wisconsin commented…8mos8MO

People should not care what stereotype people they meet and should just back away instead of harming them

 @9HBXFWX from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

One thing I could say is no matter what in every race, every religion, and every group there is going to be at least a handful of people that commit wrongful acts. Just because of these handful of people it doesn't sit right to blame the entire group. People don't look at what individuals do, they look at where the individual is from and what groups they are a part of to determine how wrongful the act is. This is not right at all.

 @9HCHT9C from Wyoming answered…8mos8MO

People need to understand the difference between facts and opinions. Stereotypes do not tend to be rooted in fact, and if they are it is a very flimsy comparison. When criticizing ideas to helpfully promote some good change, it’s essential to not use emotionally charged language. No blame game, just objectivity.

 @9HCH7XMPeace and Freedom from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.

 @9HCMTSS from Nevada answered…8mos8MO

Criticizing is way different with just total racism and blatant Islamophobia. Anti-Islam has always been a thing and it is harmful not just for Islamic people but even for people who are just simply from the Middle East- caused by the stereotype that has been here for a very long time already.

 @9HBLNPG from Missouri answered…8mos8MO

Unfourtunatly, people will belive what they want about others and there is nothing the government can do about that.

 @9HBNLWPRepublican from Tennessee answered…8mos8MO

There will always be some form of stereotypes on certain groups of people. Just don't show support.

 @9H9W5ZX from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

No government intervention is needed. If everyone is given equal rights and opportunities and individuals are left to interact on their own, these problems will fade away and reach an equilibrium in which no group is discriminated against.

 @9H9WRZ3 from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

Wording matters. Making a clear difference between ideology and individual can go a long way. You can criticize the CCP but not hate Chinese people, it’s the same principle

 @9HBY56S  from Nevada answered…8mos8MO

It’s hard to say. People are so quick to judge people from the Middle East even when they are simply innocent people. Instead of criticizing the Islam race and religion, we should understand that not everyone is like the people that have tarnished their reputation.

 @9HCDZV2 from Nebraska answered…8mos8MO

Get to know all sides of the situation personally to make sure you aren't being fed misinformation, and then make an informed decision based on your personal beliefs and experiences.

 @9H9TP2QCommunist from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

Separating stereotypes from a group of people is most important. Such as Islamic people, it is not the people harming those in Palestine but the government officials. The people are not monsters, the government is.

 @9HB3KBC from California answered…8mos8MO

It’s important to be educated. Before you take a full stance against a group of people learn as much as you can about them before judging them.

 @9HCJS2Q from California answered…8mos8MO

The 1st amendment the amendment of freedom of speech allows us to have free speech while it is wrong it is protected by there amendments. The amendments are here to protect our right so if someone believes something about a race they should be able to speak about it even Iif it is hurtful to another after all the person it's directed towards is choosing to agnolige what the pers9n saying rather than ignoring it.

 @9H9VXFNDemocrat from Florida answered…8mos8MO

 @9HB2MW8 from California answered…8mos8MO

Allow the people to speak and hear their side of the story and not let the stereotypes define all.

 @9H9Y7W2 from Utah answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBV8MF from Texas answered…8mos8MO

Although stereotypes exist because of past actions of certain groups of people, it is still important to acknowledge that not everyone is the same.

 @9HCHNCXLibertarian from California answered…8mos8MO

We should not have stereotypes but judge everyone's character individually.

 @9HCMHRQ from Utah answered…8mos8MO

Anti-Islamic sentiments are tragic, and should be stopped. Some ways to stop stereotypes are to help people understand culture, as well as understanding that Islamic terrorist organizations are extremists, and the vast majority of Muslim people would never even think of performing terrorist acts. Knowledge is power, and helping people understand something can help prevent stereotypes.

 @9H9XK8L from Colorado answered…8mos8MO

We just need to keep to ourselves and not listen to everything we hear from everyone else and go based on our own life experiences.

 @9H7RNV5 from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

People should be punished if they commit harmful acts towards a group of people. That violates the first amendment and no group of people should put up with that. If you teach what Islam culture is then people can base their own opinion of it.


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