Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9HL3RKY from Ohio answered…9mos9MO

Yes. I believe it is a right of everyone to be taken care of and to learn.

 @9HL3RY2 from Iowa answered…9mos9MO

no, i dont belive so because people have worked differently and it pays off for example someone who is a doctor should get the same housing as someone who works a 15 hourly paid job,

 @9HL3SYC from Iowa answered…9mos9MO

I do because if you live in this country and pay taxes and work as others do, you should be allowed the same opportunities as others.

 @9HL44BF from Michigan answered…9mos9MO

Yes because even though some people aren't U.S citizens doesn't mean that they don't live in the U.S now , and some people who aren't come to the U.S to seek things like education and housing and health care to give their children a better life then they were able to have.

 @9HL3SGG from Indiana answered…9mos9MO

Nobody should be held back from education healthcare or housing, but in the same sense, nobody should be given advantages as a result of their financial situation, everyone should have equal access.