Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @Porge0Republican from Texas disagreed…12mos12MO

No, it is more disgusting that someone can support a person who doesn't even accept something as basic and set-in-stone as their own sex. If that person cannot even accept who they really are, they should not be surprised that others don't accept THEM.

 @9KSPT95 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

We do accept ourselves, which is why we need certain medicines and therapy so we can be happy and not think that we would be better off dead because of people like you

 @9TNXFTV from Illinois commented…4wks4W

If you liked who you were you wouldn’t need to change anything to be happy. Get real

 @RenaldoMoon from Pennsylvania disagreed…2wks2W

Yep I'll just push the "happy" button on my brain's control panel and become happy with myself and will no longer be trans.

If only it actually worked like that

 @Detour-Ahead from California disagreed…3wks3W

Informed Gender Identity

Get real? What is this? A story?! They are real! They aren't some hallucination! That is a real person, a person that exists! Imagine if I went "If you liked how you are, then you wouldn't need help to be happy!" When you have both your legs missing and you lost control of your right arm. Yes you are happy because you are still alive, but the fact you can't do anything is sad! Get a grip (better than "get real imo"(also in this story you only have one working hand so it makes sense))

 @9GNSN9Q from Florida agreed…12mos12MO

I agree it is horrible that people are mistreating people based on what they recognize themselves as people should be allowed to be whatever they want to unless it breaks a law or harm others.

 @9GNT3XBProgressive from Minnesota agreed…12mos12MO

I agree with this comment about gender identity. I wish people would be more open to understanding and accepting that people aren't one thing or the other. We're a spectrum of things, and our gender identity is a part of who we are.

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