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4 Replies

 @9GLDBK2 from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

those who have mental illness or have a criminal background shouldn't have guns, however just because some bad people out there exist doesn't mean every kid will do it.

 @9GLQV6WPeace and Freedom from Nebraska  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this comment about gun control. People need to take mental health tests and have background checks on them to see if they are eligible to own a gun.

 @9GLD9Y9 from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

I can agree with background checks but banning or out right removing the law is a problem every time a government becomes tyrannical or a dictatorship it starts by removing peoples firearms the right to bear arms has been a law that the U.S. should stand by. Most firearms that are used illegally arent registered or even brought into this country legally you cant blame or target the people that do it by law punish the heart of the problems like arms dealers and the cartels that bring such guns to people that shouldn't own them.

 @9GM8XYB from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

You should have the right to carry and protect yourself because even if you y no to guns and they get a law for it there is always the black market.


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