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25 Replies

 @9GFT2M8 from Maryland  agreed…1yr1Y

Lowering funds on Planned Parenthood Funding would be detrimental to reproductive health, especially for women.

 @9GF74K5 from Kentucky  agreed…1yr1Y

Getting rid of planed parenthood funding would get rid of many other things then just abortions. I also think that men or other people who don't have a vagina or uterus should decision on sex education, or medical help for women.


Planned parenthood is a much needed resource. It helps all young people with more than just abortions. They help with sex education, pelvic exams, Pap tests, and so much more. And people need to understand that its not inappropriate to talk about these things, but its educational. And a human need, its all normal and most people go through these things. So yes all of planned parenthood needs to be funded.

 @9GH534JDemocrat from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with planned parenthood because it teaches people things they might not be aware of and it's a great source for information.

 @9GJYWQNDemocrat from Florida  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this comment for all the listed reasons. Getting rid of/ de-funding Planned Parenthood means that millions of people will be hurt and even have their lives threatened by lack of accessible care.

 @9GFDCZL from California  agreed…1yr1Y

Yes i agree with this comment about Planned Parenthood its preventative healthcare which strengthens the sexual health of U.S. citizens.

 @9GH4TWV from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I definitely agree with this comment, everyone should be able to have access to the many things that planned parenthood provides. I think it's important that women have access to not only abortions but also very important less controversial things like cancer screenings. Planned Parenthood gives the opportunity to so many people who can't afford regular medical expenses, so it's important to continue funding this program so more people can get access to treatments.

 @9GGNYYC from New Jersey  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this comment, Planned parenthood offers more advantages than just abortions and it's helpful to those who don't have insurance. Planned parenthood offers all kinds of health checkups, to not only young but older parents too. Even if a woman is getting an abortion it is her choice not anyone else's.

 @9GG5N2X from Ohio  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this. Planned Parenthood is a helpful places for people of all ages and genders and provides a number of helpful services, including but not limited to abortions. However, I still do think they should be allowed to provide abortions amongst their other services. Each of these services is a choice for people to make and they should not be denied that choice by the government.

 @9GF6NT2 from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with not getting rid of planned parenthood funding because as a women, us women have decisions for our own bodies because if it was vise versa, men would be supporting their body their choice and women deserve the right to have all those options available to them especially after all the things most women go through now and days and what men do to women just sometimes isn't fair.

 @9GF5TTSPeace and Freedom from Wisconsin  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree, Planned Parenthood does much more than just provide abortions and everyone should have access to their services

 @9GF6WHF from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this comment, there is a stigma around Planned Parenthood that it is only for abortions and many people are unaware of the other things that are offered.

 @9GFWMMDRepublican  from Florida  disagreed…1yr1Y

Planned Parenthood is a front for the baby eating demon Molech, and anybody who uses it is a Satanist. Taxpayer money should not be spent on murdering some filthy *** s bastard kid. Planned Parenthood locations should be razed to the ground by angry mobs and it's proponents and employees publicly lynched. You are the scum of the earth for arguing what you've argued here and I hope you die an excruciatingly painful death and that you will burn in hell.

 @9GF6QCP from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

If these things were better taught in school, there would be no need for a planned parent or abortion if people knew how to act.

 @9GGPVM6 from Indiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

Planned parenthood is an organization that supports abortion which i strongly disagree with, things like std prevention is good however but I am pro life and we should not have babies dying, they are people also.

 @9GGNVT5 from Rhode Island  disagreed…1yr1Y

Abortion is murder. Regardless of what other services planned parenthood may provide the bottom line is that is that a human is involuntary losing their life and i cannot support that in any capacity.

 @9GFT4MR from Maryland  disagreed…1yr1Y

planned parenthood is wrong because it is killing a baby you can get those test by themselves you should not kill a baby just because you feel you have the right to

 @9GFR6PJ from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

**** that, turn planned parenthood into a crisis pregnancy center. do all the same **** but cut the abortions, make it hospitals only and only in sexual assault, incest, or mother danger. also, the government should give a free course to all high school seniors and or college freshmen about parenthood, and they are required by law to pass it or they will take away your child. if you get pregnant/get a girl pregnant without a "license" you will be fined a lot of money, AND if you did a backstreet or home abortion you should get sent to prison.

 @9GF7JDG from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

Planned Parenthood should not be funded by the government because the government should stay much as possible out of economic private organizations.

 @9GF63JK from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

After Roe V Wade was overturned, many Planned parenthood's closed as a result of not being able to commit abortions. Planned Parenthood's have abortion quotas that their facilities must meet. The "sex ed" that is provided by planned Parenthood often includes inappropriate content and encourages children to act in ways that are not age appropriate and could be harmful.

 @9GFDC88 from Nevada  agreed…1yr1Y

yes getting rid of planned parent as a whole would completely strip health benefits and opportunities for women in america

 @9GF6TY4 from Florida  agreed…1yr1Y

Planned Parenthood funding is one of the most important things that are provided. Woman would be affected mainly by defunding of planned parenthood although abortions is the main topic at the moment, this services is something that can mean life or death and to defund something as vital as planned parenthood. It would be unbeneficial if it were defunded.

 @9GF62TZ from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that this is a very good statement and I agree with it completely, I am such a strong advocate for planned parenthood and being pro-choice.

 @9GF6WZT from Nebraska  agreed…1yr1Y

they should increase funding and legalize abortion. people do not get the right to tell women how to raise themselves.

 @9GF69PT from Maryland  agreed…1yr1Y

I disagree with planned parenthood But I also completely disagree with being able to kill a child (abortion). Its your fault that you got h#rny and decided to have sex without a condom. I believe in God and no Child should be killed. But to stay on topic, I think that parents shouldn't have a plan for themselves but should have support.


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