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4 Replies

 @9G3PHR4 from West Virginia  agreed…1yr1Y

Yes I agree strongly with this. I think personal background checks should be made and the decision as to whether to give them gun access should be made accordingly. Such as if they have a history of gun violence, felonies, or suicidal thoughts/actions, I wouldn't give them a gun
I also believe that those who are able to get guns should be thoroughly trained in at least the basics so they know how to use it safely

 @9G3P5TJ from Virginia  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this statement fully. Gun regulation should be much more strict, as to prevent mentally ill individuals from gaining a weapon and using it in malicious ways.

 @9G3PPGN from Nevada  agreed…1yr1Y

We're all consitently facing different things in our lives, and whether our mental health is at a high or low we never know who may pick up a gun and do something with it. Restrictions and rules need to be implemented on everyone.

 @9G3PCLG from Kentucky  agreed…1yr1Y

Yes I agree, because in recent years, indiscriminate shootings with rifles have increased significantly. We have the right to own guns, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, but there are cases where guns are used for criminal purposes. Therefore, guns such as rifles and machine guns should be completely regulated, and only revolvers and small guns should be allowed.


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