Try the political quiz

52 Replies

 @97M8VH9Women’s Equality from Nevada answered…1yr1Y

 @962R7YJ from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

I base all beliefs on the bible and I chose to not involve myself politically.

 @95DH2FC from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

 @977BDCWWomen’s Equality from Nevada answered…1yr1Y

whoever can do the best job to make our country equally fair and give everyone human being an opportunity to succeed.

 @96NVXRH from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

I would need to learn more about these candidates before deciding on one.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky answered…2yrs2Y

Jim Marchant

Conservative candidate

Unless Hansen has a decent chance.

Can't find info on Crane.

 @96Q6JD2 from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

 @966ZBK2 from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

I base all my beliefs on the Bible and for that reason I remain politically neutral when it come to any topic involving politics.


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