Try the political quiz

47 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

 @972NSXS from Nevada answered…1yr1Y

I have just arrived here in the U.S. so I am not knowledgeable when it comes to politics at the moment.

 @96P9CQT from California answered…2yrs2Y

 @96G6DQSPeace and Freedom from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

I would need to learn more about these candidates before deciding on one.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky answered…2yrs2Y

Michael Fiore

Conservative candidate

  1. Michele, not Michael
  2. Can't find info on Hendrickson or Elliott

 @9746HY9 from Nevada answered…1yr1Y

Doesn't matter to me, not trying to change a world or be a part of it that isn't going to get better. Politically neutral.


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