In January 2021 the U.S. Labor Department ruled that gig workers, such as Uber and Doordash drivers, would not be covered by federal minimum-wage and overtime laws. The ruling means that gig workers could be responsible for paying their employer a portion of social security taxes and would not be eligible to receive health insurance or retirement benefits. U.S. states aren’t required to follow the federal rule and can pass their own laws regulating these workers. Proponents say “flexible work” is overwhelmingly preferred by those who choose to earn on gig-economy platforms…
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@9F7V2TWWomen’s Equality12mos12MO
They work just as much, if not more, than most people working in the U.S. They are trying to make a living just like the rest of us.
They are workers just like everyone else and they also work long hours like normal workers. Sometimes they work extra time
No, but Contract work should be expanded to include more protections. With technological advances, we will see a move toward more freelance style work. Workers deserve to be protected, always.
no because they can quit when every they want they are their own boss. but uber pays them
No, but these workers should be afforded some semblance of insurance in case of an accident while working on the company's behalf
No, they should be classified as entrepreneurs
No, but contract/gig workers should receive better protections and benefits
No, but they should still be entitled to the government safety nets that typical "employees" have.
Leave it up to employers what they offer, and to ees what they accept
I think it depends on the contract. They can be either full time employees or independent contractors
Where did you get this stat: "The majority of flexible workers work less than 10 hours per week." I could not find it anywhere. It seems extremely misleading in the context of this debate/question.
NO, as they are self-employed, and just like laws and regulations exist, gig workers should still be able to have protections and benefits as any employee with some form of government involvement to ensure workers are protected and have benefits within a company means.
@9JC2QS9 8mos8MO
No, but workers should have protection from with basic employees rights, overtime, safety, discriminations,etc
Depends if they are an entrepreneur and had started their own business, then they could probably be classified as the manager.
Depends on the hours and the money made. Less than a certain amount less than 35-40hrs and 20k not employees. Same standard as taxes
Yes, and they should recieve a means-tested self-employed minimum wage (or self-employed living wage)
Yes if they and the company are entering into a contract and that company is paying them for their work.
Either way, the government should never intervene in a contract between a private company and worker
Companies meeting specific income and employee thresholds should be incentivized to offer the CHOICE to employees.
I mean you can do like 1-2 Uber drives and just quit forever and start again 1 year later so not really, but if you do it full time and you sign agreements and whatnot why not.
The current guidelines on how to tell if someone is an employee or a contractor are sufficient; they just need to be enforced.
Yes, all gig workers should be fairly compensated as part-time or full-time employees depending on the amount they work
if that;s all they do for income then yes if it's used as a side form of income then no
Yes, and they should be payed a living wage, as well as being paid per mile.
Yes, but nationalize transportation services.
Yes, if they work at least 15 hrs per week
Yes, if working more than 15 hours a week. If part time is employment, part time gig work is employment.
Yes and they must be allowed to unionize.
Yes, if they work 32 hours a week.
Yes, if they treat it like a normal job.
No, but they should have more protections and benefits
They should be if they work more than a certain number of hours, around twenty five or so.
Yes, they work for pay. Part time workers are are classified as employees. A server is still an employee and makes money on tips, but a driver does the same and uses their own gas.
Yes, and abolish private property and unionize all people
If they work under a company/cooperation, then yes, they are employees. If not, then they are self employed.
They are lumpen proletariet they are proletatrit however they do not directly produce capital for a capital owner so they
they should be able to make that decision for themselves. if they want to be a full time employee then they they can sign up for that, but if its just a side gig to earn more money then that’s their choice .
Uber, Doordash, Lyft, etc. should have 2 options. One: As an employee to work a set amount of hours per week with a company car provided from a local lot, but the driver is responsible for fuel cost only, for a set amount of pay plus tips. Or option 2: to classify as an independent contractor with their own vehicle where they receive a flat rate per engagement plus tips.
Yes, if they work at least twenty hours per week.
It depends on how long they do it and if thats their only job
They should be able to choose what they want to be classified as
No, but only if the government is providing healthcare and retirement savings and the rules regarding independent contractor relationships to their employers are reformed to be more equitable.
Stop regulating labor and it would not matter
Companies should be forced to provide healthcare and other benefits to gig workers and they should be classified as employees.
This probably depends how much they do that "gig" service during each week or pay period.
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