Try the political quiz

33 Replies

 @8M3TCKY from New Jersey commented…3yrs3Y

the most glaring issue while reading your reply was the use of your word "blacks". while i dont have enough time or energy to explain to you why using that term is offensive, i will save my breath and tell you this: address them as black people, black americans, or african americans. if you are unable to use any of these terms or you continue to call them "blacks" after reading this, then you are the problem.

while i see your point, i must point out the flaws in your argument. you mentioned that you are gay. why support donald trump if he continues to oppose the equality…  Read more

 @8M9HLFJ from Arkansas commented…3yrs3Y

auctully he supppots gay and callingsome one black is ok does it make me racist no does onwoing 3 conforedoarte flags foe just my romm make me racist no

 @8ML2ZY4 from Indiana commented…3yrs3Y

I believe I have lost brain cells trying to comprehend what that sentence said. On the other hand I also believe that owning a confederate flag does make you racist. Another also, if Trump stays in office with Amy Coney Barret then us in the LGBTQ will loose our rights for adoption, marriage, healthcare, and doing military service.

 @96FDL42 from Missouri commented…2yrs2Y

 @8N5QR5RRepublican from Utah commented…3yrs3Y

I totally believe that and I myself has to fix that because I do say blacks. After reading this persons comment I should use it as african american because they should not be called blacks but as their real name because we should be proud to call them african american. They deserve to be recognized as such.

 @9HSK5NS from Florida commented…4mos4MO

Is African-American a race? If so, what do you call black Canadians/Britons/Germans etc? The hyphen should be the key there, any hyphenation divides, not unites.

 @8PRSDMFRepublican from Texas commented…3yrs3Y

are you black? if you arent, then stop getting offended for another race if you are, good for u

 @8QVWDD7Democrat from Michigan disagreed…3yrs3Y

I'm not black, and I don't get offended for them, I make statements when something is racist or unjust.

 @9856FRTRepublican  from Virginia commented…1yr1Y

I am black, and I don't think the term is "racist". When you try to say that something is offensive without being in the group you claim it offends, it is quite patronizing.

 @9LHWLNVfrom Guam commented…2wks2W

 @8LRX2TJRepublican from Indiana commented…3yrs3Y

I love that you are thinking rationally and understand the government doesn’t control that. I fully support the lgbtq community but it is not in the government that they face criticism. I agree with your stance and respect it.

 @9LLXZBCRepublican  from Wisconsin agreed…7 days7D

I'm glad to not be the only one with this kind of mindset. Biden doesn't know what hes doing. Trump made peace with China and Russia. We had a lot of good relationships with a lot of different countries that in today's world are key.


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