Try the political quiz

61 Replies

 @8KDWJZ7 from West Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

Ben Salango or Erika

 @L64K7KLibertarian from Virginia agreed…4yrs4Y

Voting for Erika will help retain more options on the ballot moving forward than voting for Salango. The Democrats will have ballot access no matter how bad Salango does on election night. Erika needs to get 1% to ensure you have more choices in WV. We believe she will get it, Erika is a great candidate, but every vote will help.

 @8KLXPFJ from West Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

similar to the former question, i don’t care enough to look into who these people are because i would chew off my own foot before believing any of them were some semblance of good people

 @8KFNBJS from West Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

 @8N2PSNK from West Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8N29XCJ from West Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

Politics should be kept private, as attempting to influence opinions invades privacy.