Try the political quiz

32 Replies

 @9FSM4GJ from Oklahoma agreed…7mos7MO

The average cost of living right now in the United States is $2500-$3500 per month, the poverty increase rate has gone up by %4 in just two years. Universal Basic Income will provide that safety net if monthly income does not suffice the cost of living.

 @9K66N8HIndependent  from Kentucky agreed…2mos2MO

With a Universal Basic Income would give the people more of an incentive to work, reduce poverty, reduce the wage gap, as well as declining the amount of income discrimination.

 @9HR9QY3 from Ohio agreed…4mos4MO

We already have so many gov. programs, why not sum them into one. have basic income & allow people to act for themselves.

 @9GDY35Lfrom Maine agreed…6mos6MO

Finland ran a universal income study between the years 2017-2018 by giving 2000 unemployed people a universal income of around 560 euros a month. Compared to another group of around 178,000 people on unemployment benefits the 2000 unemployed worked an average of six more days than the others.

 @9FVJF7B from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Finland's 2 year randomized partial basic income study found no negative effects on employment, but significant benefits.


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