Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9G4ZXCZ from California agreed…6mos6MO

Why would America want to ban potential citizens from our beloved country? if our country was originally brought up my immigrants why is the country all of a sudden against it?

 @9FQ6Y66 from South Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

It is largely our own actions which have created the "border crisis." Above, I noted the ways in which we created conditions in "source" countries which have led to the migrations we're seeing. Also, we haven't properly funded immigration courts so that they can act on cases expeditiously. When someone lives in this country for years waiting for a court date, it should not be surprising that removing them at this point would be hugely disruptive to the deported person, his/her family, and often his/her US community. None of that is the fault of the immigrants.

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