Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9G4QPBV from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Just because you have a higher pay scale than someone else, you shouldn't be put at a disadvantage with overtime hours. Currently, that salary must be 35k or below, which already is a very low amount. It doesn't make sense for someone who only has a salary a few thousand higher to no longer be allowed to earn the same type of pay as those low income people, but still work the same amount of hours. Doing that removes the incentive to work more than the bare minimum for the vast majority of job positions.

 @9F7QJTC from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

if you are working more than required because you either want more money or need it it should be available and it is harder work than regular because you are tired and already worked.


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