Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @8PZKZWB from Colorado disagreed…3yrs3Y

The only way to get a firearm that is fully automatic (hold down trigger, bullets come out until empty, not SEMI automatic, hold down trigger, only one bullet come out until you release and let the trigger reset before firing a subsequent shot), legally, is to be a dealer with an FFL. Otherwise the easy, (ten years in jail minimum) way is to take shop class, get/make a tube, spring, striker, and sear, with a magazine well and ejection port. You can also try being in a cartel or foreign partisan group, and the US Gov will just give them to you...bad guys have all the fun stuff.

domestic abusers and other violent offenders already lose there right to have firearms all the time.

 @8RVRCM2 from Florida disagreed…3yrs3Y

Assault rifles are already banned, an assault rifle is "a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use."

Not an AR-15, or any semi-automatics, the M-16 is an "assault rifle" and is banned.

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