Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @8PDW96F  from Michigan disagreed…3yrs3Y

The fact that you yourself called it an embryo should be enough to know that it is, in fact, not a human life, so the right to life doesn’t even apply.

 @8XK9497 from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

 @8994C3S from North Carolina disagreed…3yrs3Y

any human embryo

the body naturally kills many embryos every time someone gets pregnant? Also when using fertility treatment doctors only use the most viable embryos and throw the rest away?

 @8QN8L65 from Illinois asked…3yrs3Y

 @8P6F43P from Virginia agreed…3yrs3Y

Pro-life, plus criminalize the killing of any human embryo

one minute? You mean, at the moment. But yes, I believe that if you kill a baby, you should be in prison for life, because that is just messed up!


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