Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9GR4GBWRepublican from Illinois agreed…5mos5MO

I believe genetically made organisms should be banned due to people not knowing what they eat and it could harm people.

 @9GF8LGD from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

I would prefer to ban GMO’s there are bugs in most canned food so why not our regular food, at least it can be rinsed off this’s healther without GMO’s and will make more open to connect with the earth we take for granted

 @9GG77FYRepublican from Wisconsin agreed…6mos6MO

Quit messing with God's creation. We don't need bad people messing with our food system and then go into a famine because of it.

 @9GFSBJR from New Jersey agreed…6mos6MO

In 2002, Zambia experienced a severe drought that left millions in need of food aid but it rejected GM maize offered by donors due to the health concerns that are involved with consuming GMOs.


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