Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9FPD98Z from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

My best counter argument to the "yes" position on Muslim Surveillance would be to switch the roles. Imagine if you were put into the situation where just people you believed in a specific thing, looked one way compared to the others, had a "bad rep" because of something that you didn't do, you are treated and seen as some sort of "monster" that is contantly surveillanced and watched over. How would that seem fair to you? It doesn't. No matter what you could say, it's very cruel and unjust to treat someone one way because they're different from you.

 @9FTQ2GV from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

just because muslims targerted us during 911 doesnt mean that all muslims are bad. not every human has bad intetions or motives just because of there race/culture.


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