Place Of Birth:
- Honolulu
- Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
- December 31, 1960 (63 years old)
- August 3, 1961 (63 years old)
- Congregational Church
- Congregationalist polity
- Protestantism
- United Church of Christ
Member Of:
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- American Philosophical Society
- family of Barack Obama
Political views
Top themes:
- Democratic Socialism, Collectivism, Big Government, Progressive, Tender, Keynesian, Globalization
Top qualities:
- Intelligence, Charisma, Confidence (from 1,092 votes)
- See the complete list of 280 policies for Barack Obama
Educated At:
- Centaurus High School
- Columbia University
- Harvard Law School
- Harvard University
- King College Prep High School
- Nelson High School
- Noelani Elementary School
- Occidental College
- Punahou School
- State Elementary School Menteng 01
- University of Chicago Law School
Academic Degree:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Juris Doctor
Political experience
Position Held:
- member of the State Senate of Illinois
- President-elect of the United States
- President of the United States
- United States senator
Professional experience
- Academic
- Community Organizer
- International Forum Participant
- Jurist
- Lawyer
- Memoirist
- Podcaster
- Political Writer
- Politician
- Statesperson
- Business International Corporation
- Gamaliel Foundation
- New York Public Interest Research Group
- Sidley Austin
- University of Chicago
Field Of Work:
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Gun Control
- Law
- Politics